Developer's Journey is now available on Youtube. This is something I've been wanting to do for a very long time, but never made the time to actually execute on.

I created a bunch of covers and used EZ-Converter to convert all the audio files to videos.


Well, because it is yet another channel to promote our guests and this podcast on!

But also because I found myself working for a company that had weird firewall-settings. Youtube was allowed, but Buzzsprout (the podcast & homepage hoster) wasn't. And thus, DevJourney was not available to my coworkers directly from their desks...

So here it goes to the playlist. Subscribe, thumbs-up the whole thing... do whatever people do on Youtube these days, go wild :D

How do you like it? Anything you would do differently? What can/should I do next? Any idea?

And as always, please do me the favor of talking about DevJourney to one person TODAY! And please leave a review on the major platforms (iTunes, Stitcher & Google Music), it really helps to boost the podcast! Thanks!