📢 Things I’m interested in:
- 📃 Being hired
- 🗣️ Leadership / Mentorship (Leader, Manager, Mentor, Mentee)
- 🎙️ Podcasting (Author/Listener)
- 🍫 100% dark chocolate
- 🥑 Ketosis
🚫 Things I’m not interested in:
- 🗨️ Can you be my mentor? -> Engage with me on the topic of your choice first!
📇 Contact
- Longform thoughts: info at timbourguignon dot fr
- Shortform thoughts (most likely to get a quick reply): @timothep
Other ways to find me online, see my work and/or contact me: Github, Dev.To, Speakerdeck, LinkedIn, Xing, Youtube, Patreon, etc.
Want to talk mentoring, DevJourney or something related to software, career and growth? Let's talk!
Photo by MILKOVÍ on Unsplash, Format inspired by Alice Goldfuss